059 - The Best of Supernode 2022

What is up PartnerUp?

Is it just me or are partnership events gaining more traction than they used to?

Crossbeam's Supernode happened in Philly a couple weeks ago, and a lot happened.

Two honorable mentions:

This is a moment, and the more we come together, the more we realize.

That's why it's important to keep up-to-date with what's going on at each.

Here are a couple of conversations captured during the event as well as Jared's keynote.

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Jared Fuller  00:12
All right, what's up, just me today kicking this one off, because today, we're gonna have some stories from Supernote, just a week before last attended crossbeam supernode. And I was very fortunate to be able to deliver a keynote to help wrap up the day. Alongside the awesome conference in great news, they're so caught up with some folks there. But I'm also today going to be redelivering, so to speak, the keynote that I gave at Supernote. And it's a bit of an emotional one to 13 point 8 billion year history lesson on the evolution of systems. So a lot of systems thinking has been going on. And I'm really excited about that. So we're going to open up this episode with the recap of supernode. So a couple of quick little interviews from the floor there at the Philadelphia Fine Arts Center, which was a beautiful place. So shout out to Sean Blanda and crossbeam for knocking that out of the park. I mean, I've never been to a conference in a fine art center. And it was like a, like a business conference, right? Then it was amazing. So the whole event just felt incredible. These were people on the bleeding edge of everything. They did a fantastic job with it. Bob's keynote from the CEO crossbeam, his keynote was amazing to open things off the conversation he she he had with Sarah Wang from Andreessen, we covered that news on partner hacker.com. Because basically, Sarah Wang came out and said that not all pipelines equal and, you know, to companies that have a pipeline where one company is growing 3x, and it's 100% direct pipeline, and another company is growing to 2x. So 33%, slower, but it's 50% partner pipeline, Andreessen is going to back the one that has the partner pipeline contribution, which is wild, you've never heard that before. So that's like the third VC OpenView Bessemer. And then Andreessen so coming out and basically say a partner led growth is a thing, and it's here, and it's right now. So like, culmination of a moment. And I hope you'll enjoy at the end of this episode, my supernova keynote, that I'm actually recording right here right now. So like, it's as if I'm giving it live. I'm sure Crosby will release it in some format later on. But I wanted to get some of the messaging out there. So it's not 100% the same, but it's a 98% Probably, obviously, editorialize and throw in my own anecdotes that wasn't the same as live. So excited to have that for you. That'd be the last 2025 minutes of this one. So if you're just listening, this is probably his good plug as I've ever had for checking out the YouTube. A lot of times might not be necessary, but if you want to see the slides, I'll actually be recording screenshare the supernode keynote that I delivered as well. So without further ado, we're gonna hop in Oh, and one quick plug. One quick plug. We just announced today ecosystem week.com. So yeah, so four weeks of what the blank is ecosystems. What WTF are ecosystems? We just announced this partner stack and partner hacker. I'm super excited because there's already like 150 people that have registered in the first day. Wild. absolutely bonkers. I'm really excited about it. It's a three day event June 21. Through the 24th So Monday through Thursday, we're gonna have a blast. We've got Jill Riley J McBain Brin from partner stack. Good friend Alan Adler, myself, I'm basically going to be like why hate go to market as a framework. So I'm going to come full force after GTM get excited for that one. My buddy pika, Pooja bunch of other amazing speakers and lineups on defining what the heck is an ecosystem anyway, so again, check it out. And actually, you know what, even better than ecosystem week.com You go to partner hacker.com. And there's a big there's only one ad will only we only have one ad ever on partner hacker to something that we're involved in. So you know what to trust and what not to, if you just go to partner hacker.com and click on it right there, it'll take you to the site and you get to see it. So it's presented by partner stack and partner hacker. I'm really excited about a week long virtual event 100% free, you have no reason not to attend register sign up. So go check it out. Without further ado, what is up partner up? We're here live with crossbeam in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. You know, so Philadelphia, the birthplace of America, the birthplace of crossbeam and the birthplace of supernode 22, the first annual supernode so this is awesome here with Chris Milla VP, a partner at crossbeam. And we're gonna be covering the event today. Bringing in some of the best people some of the best speakers and hanging out down here in the fourth floor. They got four floors going on, but Chris is the VP a partner at crossbeam what's most exciting to you about this because it's it feels like this crazy partnerships mom And I know you got a lot going on with partner cloud. So tell us more about why you're excited to the VP of partner at a partner event built launching a partner platform. That's like the most meta thing I can think of. Yeah,

Chris Samila  05:10
there's a tremendous excitement. I mean, I think the the opportunity here is, number one, we were bringing together a bunch of people that are literally building the frameworks of how partnerships at SAS companies are being done, which is super exciting. There's just like the conversations, even outside of the sessions are just everyone is sharing tons of insights about how they're actually scaling things and building things and new ideas. And like, that's super inspiring. For me, I think, being in the partner role at crossbeam. I'm also really excited, we have so many integrations we've launched over the last year. But more importantly, the next six months, there's just like a mountain of new integrations launching. And those things are the essence, the building blocks to operationalize all this partner data because people we have, we're fortunate to have a lot of customers in crossbeam now, and they're using it for account mapping. Now we can help them actually take that data and like send in the marketing tools and sales tools and partner tech tools. And that like that just brings so much scale and efficiency. And that that gets me really fired up because I can help. In essence, we can help all these companies do that.

Jared Fuller  06:09
I was listening to Bob's keynote this morning. And one of the things that he was saying was talking about was the SAS like kind of transformation lifecycle. There's a new technology, right? So this escrow thing that's connecting, you know, services, then there's this new data, which we kind of have this partner data, and then there's new integrations. And then for me, it's like, well, it doesn't stop at three, there's actually four with new integrations comes new workflow, right? Like it actually changes the way that you work, it changes the way that sellers might work, it changes the way that marketing teams might engage teams, the way the opti ops teams might do account planning. I mean, there's a lot of implications to partner cloud being successful. And it feels like, I don't know, it's like, whenever I whenever I saw that particular thing, so everyone has to go watch Bob's keynote because it was fantastic. Very, very good. As good as I've seen from any Sass company, like really, honestly, in terms of like product vision and where things are going. So super fan over here. That gets that starts to change, everything that really does start to change. Everything is whenever like, okay, integrations now we can affect everything else.

Chris Samila  07:08
Yeah, you're absolutely spot on. I think the the moment we're out right now is people are realizing how to use this partner data to like just bring completely new capabilities to their teams, like we have some customers that are taking crossing data and putting it into a data warehouse, and then feeding it into like customized dashboards for their sales teams. So you can like have that partner data and like blend it with other business data. And it just makes, it makes the role of partnerships actually fundamentally more effective, because you don't have to be like, we are so used to this world where the partner humans, the partner managers are actually running around and like manually telling people about like, you can co sell here, we can do co marketing there. And now because the state is programmatic, we can actually send that data to these other systems automatically. So then the partner professionals become more of these strategists that are sort of like orchestrating how the how do they help all these other departments use this partner ecosystem data. And that is like, fundamentally, something we like could not do until the last like year for our entire industry so that I just like I'm so pumped, because like, we're at the at the foundation of like this whole new way of operating for these partner teams.

Jared Fuller  08:13
And it's going to impact the entire go to market in my humble opinion. And I think a lot of people here so Chris mazing having you thanks for having us at supernode. And we're gonna have fun covering the event and hanging out in Philly. So get back in person, partner people. That's, that's what we're best at. What is up, partner up. We're here live from supernode. And sitting here with Mr. Adam Michalsky. The new Papa Adam pauza. How superunknown

Adam Michalski  08:38
is going great. Honestly, this is for somebody who's been in the partnership ecosystem for like three years now. Seeing everybody in person has been amazing. I also didn't know how tall Jared was until Until yesterday. So it's fun. When you see people on Zoom, you can always tell. Yeah, the way that they actually look in real life. So I mean, then awesome meeting everyone. I think as Jared has put it, we are in the age of trust. So and it's I mean, it's just getting just getting started. So I think I mean, watching all this community evolve has been really, really cool.

Jared Fuller  09:10
Amazing, man. Amazing. I know, there's some other big news that's coming out. So I'm sure it will be. Hopefully that'll be public by the time this airs next week. But this morning, I was really captivated by Sarah Wang's talk and Bob Moore's talk. So crossbeam and then Sarah, who's on the board of crossbeam, and is a partner at Andreessen some of the things that stood out to me at the intersect of where you are in partnered, is she said, that not all pipeline is equal. And I'm like, Okay, well as the go to market leader, I agree. But I've never heard a talk to your venture firm say, say that. And then all of a sudden, she was saying, Hey, we don't value pipeline, the same that only comes from sales. We actually value pipeline that comes from partners more. Why because it closes faster. Why? Because it has a higher win rate. And she said specifically, that they're not doing deals with people ones that don't have partner pipeline in their funnel. So it's kind of sitting at the intersect between because what partner does it between, you know, the sellers and the partner people? What do you think that impact might mean for like the future go to market leaders and how partnerships and salespeople work together? I mean, feel like pipeline. We just had one of the best VCs in the world tell us like, here's what you guys need to be doing right now. What do you think that means for kind of the future?

Adam Michalski  10:22
Yeah, I mean, I think we're clearly undergoing a tectonic shift in go to market more broadly. A lot of the stuff you've talked about, like ad nauseam, you know, like, and, and even Bob was mentioning this morning, the death of the cookie, all these things that are happening, that it's kind of converging and setting the stage for what's been brewing for quite a long time. I mean, I agree, it's the first time that I think VCs are really a first time I've heard it, you know, from particularly top tier VCs, I still think we have a long way to go. But like all of the headwinds, right now are all pointing in the same direction that I think like the we're basically where we were with Mar tech, you know, 10 years ago. And looking at it as like, you have all this technology that's coming up from the ground up, you have all of the the tail like the headwinds that are pointing in the right direction, you have VCs that are starting to value this pipeline, and like much higher. I think that now, especially now that we go into a little bit more of like a macro downturn, folks are going to be looking for other ways to actually move the needle and go to market. And partnerships have always been one of the best ways. But now that you're getting more of this technology over here, that allows you to do it more efficiently, do it more scalable, and frankly, do it in a way in which it's actually a lot more measurable. It's just going to continue moving more and more to the forefront. It's not going to happen overnight. This likely will take years to play out. But I do think that it is it is 100% The decade of the ecosystem, and it's going to be a really, really exciting ride.

Jared Fuller  11:46
I agree. I'd say that. It's a bellwether, you know, it's a canary in the coal mine, if you will. But what's most interesting is that you and me, you've been talking about this on your podcast and everything you've been doing the part partner, we've been talking about it with partner hacker, but to have like, like what's downstream of us? So like, we're the ones saying, Hey, this is what happens. This is what works you know, this is what's going on. Who else is gonna be reporting on that? Well, like sales leaders aren't paying attention necessarily to the analysts. So like as much as we love J McBain the CRO isn't being like, hey, I need to listen to J. But the second that like a board member, tells the CEO, which tells the CRO I think that's that's the beginning of a shift that we weren't able to affect. It took a lot of time and us coming together. So to me, it was a really exciting time. What else are you excited about here for supernode?

Adam Michalski  12:30
I mean, the one thing that I will add to that is that, and I think Sarah mentioned it this morning, but it's really, really critical and can't be overstated is the attribution component of all this, I've talked about this a lot. But one of the things that are going to be like when you think about it from the board member perspective, or when Sarah somebody joins the board, she's saying, okay, cool, make these investments in partnerships. But they also need to so show measurably and with, like, in fact that they actually trust the numbers, that those investments are proving a return, you know, because that board member can then decide, okay, can I put this money into sales? Can I put it into marketing, both of those have extremely solid attribution, what I think you're probably going to see coming sooner rather than later in this space is very, very concrete attribution. And once you see that, I think that's when like sales, sales, or partnership, sales in general is going to wind up, you know, like having rocket fuel poured on the fire. And I think we're a lot closer to that than people think. And right now, you have to look at it as Sarah is one of the more forward thinking, you know, board, board members out there, she clearly she understands the space, but not every single like, she's, she's probably in the top 10% of thinking, you know, when it comes around Park, in order to get to the 100% just waiting to see what happens as soon as you start getting the actual attribution equation in there. You know, it's the same thing as like marketing back in the day when people would joke around that 50% of marketing was being wasted. And now that's not so funny anymore. Jay talks about all the time, you know, I really do think that that will be one of the defining moments for partnerships. And I think it's coming a lot sooner than people think.

Jared Fuller  13:55
Totally. Well, Adam, thanks for stopping by. What is a partner up? I'm here with Barbara Trevino from seismic. Barbara, welcome to super node and partner up. I think this morning. I don't know if you were as excited as I was by Bob speech, and Andreessen and everything kind of happening. Tell me how you feel about like this partnerships moment. If you've been in partnerships for a while, it seems like now is very different than a year ago, two years ago.

Barbara Trevino  14:20
It definitely is. It was really refreshing and enlightening to hear from Bob this morning. And some of the speakers besides myself, and it sounds like we are all among family. We're all among partnerships. And we're all just trying to learn from each other best practices no matter where we're starting our journey. So where seismic was two years ago is where some companies are now where we are we'd like to achieve who are some other companies are in their journey right now. So it's a very collaborative, really transparent conference and it's been really insightful to hear from thought leaders and from other other companies on just what they're doing and and how we can work best with each other partnerships are not we're just here And our knowledge, and we're just becoming better and better and stronger because of this conference.

Jared Fuller  15:06
So, specifically, you're on the are you on the partner upside? Okay, that's what I see I remembered from the presentation. So partner ops to be. I've done one episode with Matt from WP Engine about partner ops. And I've never really got it nailed. I've been an operator inside of companies like Panda doc and drift, to give us the, you know, the Cliff Notes version, the elevator pitch, like, define partner operations and like, what do you think it means today? Because it's typically been something that's been like a channel order management thing. It's clearly very different in this ecosystem world, what would be your elevator pitch for people how to start thinking about partner operations today?

Absolutely. So partner operations is very new to this industry. It's a very unique role. And partner operations is the dedicated dotted line resource to this strategic alliances team. And what I do specifically, is I help support and enable that team and all things go to market, whether that be to build strategy and governance around tools, systems and process. And so because I fall into the Reb ops organization, I have insights and visibility on how the engine of the business is running and operating and how partners can have a very integrated, seamless, collaborative motion with the rest of the business. And so working alongside the partner, manager, manager team and the strategic alliances, it really, I'm the liaison between the team so I can understand how to execute on some of the goals and initiatives for the partner team and work with the cross functional alignment of the rest of the teams.

Jared Fuller  16:40
That means sales, typically,

traditionally, sales, but partnerships are more than just sales, it's a whole go to market motion. So we definitely do align with sales when it comes to deals and CO selling or sourcing business. But we also work with our product teams to build integrations, we work with our engineers, we work with our CSM to grow and expand accounts within partnerships. We work with our leadership team, we work with our enablement team to build content around partner. So it's a very cross functional teams that we support.

Jared Fuller  17:15
And sounds like probably strategy as well. And as much as if you're running good partner operations, you should be able to see things like, oh, that pipeline, you know, velocity or win rates, or certain partners where an attach can significantly alter the course of a deal. So in that those situations, you're probably also looking at next year's plan and building like the, you know, the operating model, where you're going, Hey, partner investment should be X or Y, typically, a partner leader hasn't had the resources to, you know, go into that level of insight, you're also playing a role with the business strategy, and you know, annual planning.

Yeah, definitely, I am part of the business planning and quarterly business reviews with the partner team. So soon as we define what our goals and our initiatives are for that fiscal year, then I help build the strategy and build governance around what it is and how we can accomplish those goals. So just lately, in this last year, we've decided to focus really on our integration partners, and our integration partners aren't really go to market partners, they don't really source business, but the integration is still very valuable, that does take time of planning away from the partner manager. So just one of the strategies that we thought about this year as the operations team helping support that vetting those integration partners then aligning to the engineering team. So we definitely have a part in how we can remove obstacles from the partner managers, teams, and all of our partners so that they can focus on what matters, it's building that pipeline, and we help execute everything else.

Jared Fuller  18:43
Amazing. And I imagine the integration partners to are able to, you're able to show some net impact on customer health and net retention based on activation? Are you starting to get to a place where you're getting product insight or usage or data back into your field of view? So you can say, hey, these integration partners got connected into these accounts. And this is the impact that we're seeing over time on the on the health of those accounts?

Yeah, I mean, it's definitely a hot topic, especially at this conference, we definitely have a lot of insights, but it's analyzing and understanding what that data is, and tying it back to partner revenue. I think that's a challenge that we're all seeing. But it's definitely a learning curve for us. And it's definitely one of our initiatives this year to tie back those integrations, those connections and tying it back to the partners that helped establish that.

Jared Fuller  19:29
Awesome. Well, Barbara, thanks for joining us on this snippet. And best of supernode here on partner up. You have a talk and I believe it's going to be recorded, right, so each one's recorded. Awesome. So we'll post links to that whenever Sean and the crossbeam team gets that live. And we'll see you next time. Thank you. All right, and this is what we're gonna hop back in. I'm gonna reread or re present. So if you're not checking us out on YouTube, this is again, like I said at the beginning one of the only times that it's probably worthwhile to hit up the YouTube episode because it has the full slides of For my keynote closing out Supernote 2022. So shout out crossbeam. And I really love this one, it's really heartfelt. It might be the motivational clarion call, so to speak, that you might may or may not have been waiting for. So without further ado, I'll go and hop in. All right. Now, this is where I can make sure screen sharing and everything should be good to go. So let's hop in. So stories of supernode. And why I believe trust is the new data. So I believe every single person has heard of this, which is the 20% of your partners will produce 80% of your results. That's a more universal distribution curve known as something bigger. But I believe that that principle is something much bigger related to everything that we're seeing and doing right now. And it's resulted in me having a ton of conviction, a ton of conviction that we're at a tipping point. And this tipping point that we're seeing right now is very similar to that 8020 distribution curve, the 8020 rule. This tipping point is based on first principles. This is not based on some financial forecasts, and some CFO put together and then was like, Hey, here's how go to market works after that. No, I believe that this moment of partner ecosystems is based on something much, much, much bigger, is universal as the 8020 rule. And it's also based on history. There's been billions of years of evolutionary development of systems. And I believe that we're just add another permutation, another evolutionary step. That is proving that the moat, the motivations that we have no, no, they're not our motivations. We're coming into a new system. They're based on these first principles. And I made a wild prediction and Supernote. I, I said that 270 people, I think these are the outliers that 20% I think that the 270 people that showed up in person, those were the crazy people that actually went to Philadelphia went and showed up that those 270 people would change the world forever. Those are the people that showed up that demonstrated interest that actually, you know, ended up converting and showing up in person. So that was the audience that I was speaking to directly. And why do I think it was so important to present this message? Well, because conviction is contagious. The more that you believe in what you stand for, the more passion that you have for that, the more you immerse yourself in a day zero mentality, that you are here to learn, and that you might have some truth on your side, guess what? Could that conviction, it's frickin contagious. But see, the thing about conviction is it requires a lot of integrity. You can't just be out there being a snake oil salesman being like, oh, yeah, this is amazing. Life's too short, no one cares. Do you think I actually care about this stuff this much, you bet your ass I do. Because I have integrity, I have conviction. I've studied this immensely. I've put in the hours, the time the work, I've spoke to many of you. And I'm gonna speak to 1000s more of you. Because integrity, it also requires these things that are more universal than my opinion or your opinion that requires principles. So let's take a stroll. Now through some of these stories of supernode. Kind of like what I saw at the conference. And what led me to some of these beliefs. So the stories of supernode story one, the vital few. So I want to take you back to turn Italy in 1986, this beautiful Italian landscape, fertile ground and all sorts of stuff, you know, growing there, and I bet you didn't think that this story was going to turn into a story about peas. Peas, yeah, well, the 8020 rule that I mentioned, some of you might have heard of this 8020 rule, referred to as The Pareto principle. So Vilfredo Pareto, he was an Italian graduate student in economics. And notice that only some of his pea pods had the vast majority of peas. On count the number of peas in each pea pod, he found that 80% of those peas only came from 20% of the pea pods. So going all the way back to 1986. The Pareto principle is applying to P pods. Yeah, that's where the 20% of your results will come from, or is 80% of results will come from 20% of your partners. Yeah, it's that universal that goes all the way back to peace. That's what I'm talking about. We'll see he discovered a new first principle, that 8020 Rule rule. And what this is often referred to as is the trivial many, and the vital few, right? That there might be 80% of people that don't do anything, but there's that vital, you know, one out of five, that 20% that really do make a difference. And that law of the few comes from this book, The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. How little things can make a big difference is a phenomenal, timeless read, I bet this book and the knowledge behind it will still be as relevant 2030 4050 years. And in this book, Malcolm Gladwell talks about three types of people connectors, Persuaders and mavens. And one of these people, let's talk about some connectors. So this was Monday May 16. me taking a selfie with Justin Zimmerman. I took like 50 selfies and like posted them all. LinkedIn had a blast with it. But Justin Zimmerman. He really embodies what it means to be a connector. He's one of the handful of people that are truly extraordinary and have a knack for making friends and acquaintances. Well, Justin, with like 270 votes won the partner hacker contest for a VIP. All exclusive access paid pass. So I paid for first class airfare hotel and the supernode. ticket for Justin why? Made a contest on LinkedIn? He got 270 votes, saying, hey, send Justin Zimmerman to Supernote for this VIP experience. Well, he did hand to hand combat he personally messaged everyone, he's sending out postcards. He's DMing every single person, Justin, in the audience in the crowd at Supernote. He's a connector he embodies what it means to be a connector. And then you have some people. Oh, and then the other slide too, which is pretty amazing. Just as a screenshot of this, I got like 12,000 impressions. Whenever I took this screenshot. I actually emailed Sean bland of the VP of content at crossbeam 24 hours before the event with a subject line. I have a crazy idea. But little did I know how crazy that would be, you know, 41 replies 240 votes. So like it has 281 Total because each reply or reaction counted as a vote in my book. I mean, wow. It was phenomenal. So Justin Zimmerman phenomenal example of what it means to be a connector. The next person is a persuader. So my buddy souvenir shop and the cloud software Association, which I also served on the board of directors. Persuaders, Malcolm Gladwell describes as people that have a large that are larger than life and can make others feel good with their high spirits. In souvenirs, case spirits, you can take that literally because he doesn't mean spirits in an alcohol sense, given the CSA definitely associates their cocktail parties in their, you know, after our specials with the events that the cloud software Association throws, so that's Sunil. He's a persuader that always tried to sell you on everything but he just makes you feel great. And you've been one of those people that had brought people together. It just kind of pushed them gently in the right direction. So that was me it supernovas you near. And then you have mavens so here's some mavens. These mavens are information specialists are people we rely upon to connect us with new information, and they're almost pathologically helpful, so I couldn't get away without calling out some mavens that were there. So Shawn Blanda, VP of content for crossbeam obviously a phenomenal newsletter, phenomenal content that crossbeam team puts, puts out. Alan Adler, buddy, partner hacker columnists go to ecosystem inventor and prodigy, and then Olivia, staff writer for Crosby and she's been great connective tissue across being and then Ella, right here from our own staff, you know, connecting us to the information. And all of these people pathologically helpful. But you see these three things the Persuaders, the connectors and the mavens. As we pull this all back together, you know, here's what I've learned about everyone that was at Supernote. So this is I see Adam Michalski there. This is after hours. So the bar the hotel, and most of us were staying out. So here's what I learned about the partner, people about you listeners, people that weren't even there is that you partner, people are different. I think that the partner people of this moment are actually all three. They're persuaders. They're connectors, and they're mavens. They're all three. That's what makes us different is because we want to win. But we want to win together. And the people of this moment that bring about the era of partners, ecosystems, the people that were here in the beginning, and will be here at the end, I believe these are the super nodes. And I think why that's so important right now, is that just so happens to be what the world wants. No one trusts anyone anymore. period, full stop. I mean, I just got COVID for the second time this year. So maybe that was related to supernode. Definitely, definitely not saying that. That's a fake. Obviously, that was they did everything they could the right way and even had mandatory backs. But the point is double mass vaccinated. I was mass vaccinated, and I got it two times in five months. I mean, no one knows what's true. So people keep on acting like they know what they're talking about when in reality, they don't We don't trust the media, either direction. I haven't made a political opinion, public about COVID at all. But the point is, we don't know who to trust. Is it the left? Is it the right is the state? Is it the pharmacy companies? I don't know. I've never seen pharmacy companies advertise on public on like media stations before, but now all of a sudden they are. So it's like, I have no idea who to trust. But guess what people want, they want. They want people that are pathologically helpful. They want people that just delight them that connect to new information to be a Supernote That, to me, is not only what the world wants, but I think it's a mission worth talking about it. It just so happens to be what the world needs. I believe it with every fiber of the being and guess what I I'm not going to stop there. It just so happens to be what the world will be. So let's take a little stroll down a long history lesson. So story to the stories of superunknown not just the conference and the people that brought us there. But something much bigger. All right, what you're seeing right now is I'm not gonna stay on this slide for very long at all, because it's ridiculous just my how my brain works. But this is the history of systems. So you have kind of like the beginning to the emergence of information systems. So the beginning 13 point 8 billion years ago, all the way to ISO Telesis. And the emergence of like where we are today. So if you're not looking at this on video definitely won't make that much sense. But come check it out. So this is the history of systems of evolutionary system development and then propose dumbed down stupefied version that my feeble brain could put together. But I think here's my point is that ecosystems ain't no buzzword. Why? Because it's just another permutation of an emergent system. Whenever Whenever I started this presentation, I said that it's based on first principles that are moment, the partnerships, ecosystems moment is based on first principles, this is where these things start to get really real for you. And I hope they did for me, I hope they do for you. Our reality is comprised of time, energy, space, and matter. Those were the first four systems that emanated, theoretically out of the Big Bang, so to speak, there was none of those four things prior to that moment, there was no space for things to exist matter was indiscernible gluons and quarks and bosons. And you know, whatever the heck existed at that time, if you could even say there was particles was just this infinite, like blob of like condensed, tiny stuff, could even call it matter, I don't know, then discernible in time, no concept of time. And energy, there was no exchange, it was everything was energy. So none of these systems exist. But if you were to take one of these systems away, we would not exist today. But here's the thing, because these systems are emergent, we found, or at least I found in research. And what I've been geeking out on is that systems that exchange, they change, I'll say that, again, systems that exchange change, and they form more efficient, interconnected new systems that are more stable, adaptable and resilient than the ones that were prior. So what we had it the big explosion, we had this Planck era, the inflation era, the cooling era, and the structure area. So over that time, there was a ton of stuff that developed that really created the earth that we know, our geological system wasn't always an ecological system, it was just a geological one. First, it was in short, merely only matter. But then what we had was this pre Cambrian kind of super eon. We have the Hadean era, which was primarily defined by this change agent of water. We had the archaean era, which was defined by this change agent of like ecosystems in this exchange. And then we had the Proterozoic era where there was kind of specialization. And then there was the structure era. Well, what happened in each of these things? Well, there was new systems, white matter became water. And new system developed around that organisms, because there was water and new system developed around that. And then there was specialization, then all of a sudden, there was this emergent of emergence of the biological system, right? The biological ecosystem that gifted us all life here today, there was this what we call the Cambrian explosion, where sources and kind of have this funny, partner source revenue versus resources, I think these are partner resources, not partner source. There's my attempted feeble, feeble feeble joke I had, so I had one in there, I promise. But during the Cambrian explosion, sources became resources re, re, re I'll say it again, re, they're not just consumed, they're re utilized. That's the difference between a source and a resource. And these ecological systems became sustainable life could Dakota find a way for you Jurassic Park fans out there, and that infamous mean? It's because of this specialization and that efficiency compounded, bringing us to our time, the human time, the Anthropocene, the Anthropocene. The human impact on our ecology is so large and gargantuan and massive, that it's now the human era. And it brought us to our time where these new efficiencies have just compounded and new systems have developed what we went through 13 point 8 billion years and it's like in the last minute of that years, let's say we compress 13 point 8 billion years into one calendar year, we're like in the last minute, and then the last 30 seconds, and then the last second of that year, because what emerged in new systems over that time was markets, money, and trade at speed creating an entirely new geological system governed by more than humans than any other factor. And it's not just physics based. It's not just biology based, and it's no longer just commerce based. And I really, truly believe that now the world is begging for a new way. The markets, the money, everything that we've seen. And now we're in a new era, a new era where a new system on how humans interact in the Anthropocene and how businesses interact in the Anthropocene, where go to market is dead. And there's a beginning of a new era where direct one dimensional sourcing from market is not the same as resources in market. So welcome to the new era. Story three, that my stories of Supernote the new era? Well, we've all recognized this boardrooms, across the country and offices, et cetera, remain empty. Even if people are getting together. This is one of these meetings are happening. We are living in a new era COVID changed everything. for better for worse. Most businesses are going to have to be digital first period. And hello, since I've been doing this keynote, my phone has 123456789 notifications, I don't even want to chat check slack, probably dozens Chrome, I have 47 Chrome tabs open behind this presentation screen, constantly interrupted by interruptions. And I've said this step before on the pod from these accelerated demands on our consumer attention, the average American is flooded between 400 to 10,000 advertisements per day, each vying for our attention. And that's from Deloitte annual State of marketing report that came out in 2021. And guess what? They re referenced it and said it's even worse than 2022. I read it. Wow. So you see, in the old world, it's undeniable Amazon stock price back in, you know, 2006, let's go back, you know, 1516 years ago, was what? Well, it was about 30 bucks a share. And then it went up to about 3000 bucks a share. Well, then Salesforce was about five, six bucks a share, and then it went up to about 3040 50 bucks a share. And then it's very clear that companies made an insane amount of money off of data data was the new oil with 400 to 10,000 advertisements per day. You betcha. But it was. But then something really important happened. Well, we polluted all trust in the market. Facebook, lost $12 billion in revenue, not market cap today, and $70 billion in market cap in one day, because Apple finally got privacy religion. And for the first time ever, we realized the data wasn't the new oil. Trust is the new data. With information overload and infinite choice, I mean, it's impossible for us to recognize signal from noise. So in this new world, data by itself becomes noise and trust. That's what becomes a signal. How did you all Book a vacation? You don't just repeat read the reviews? You don't? Why? Because Haven't you noticed? Isn't it might really convenient that every review of everything now is like a perfect 4.7 stars. Everything's good, like 4.7 stars right now. Right? That 4.30? There must be something wrong, not five, oh, they must be lying at 4.7. No, no one trust that crap anymore. Now trust is the new data. That's what that's where the new system that is developed. That's the currency that powers everything. So welcome to the era of partner ecosystems partner, folks. We're in the 2000s, we have the year, we have sales digitization era. And because everything became digitized, everything could be automated in the 2010s. And now, we're in the era of partner ecosystems, where that base is not cloud data, customer data or Accelerated automation, AI, whatever, all those those things might be necessary. For Tech in order to be efficient. It's not the signal. It's not the base, it's actually a partner in pure trust. So like I said, bringing this presentation to a close this keynote was virtual one. I believe that we're at a tipping tipping point. And I have the conviction. The question is do you to call the shot in 2012 for marketing automation, when there was 150 tech companies the same way in 2022, there's 150 partner tech companies. Well, there's 10,000, marketing automation companies in Bartek. Now, how many they're going to be in partner tech? A bunch? Maybe it's not 10,000. But I can promise you this era is defined not by more data accelerated automated XYZ, it's a find by something very different. So maybe, do you believe this wild prediction that the people listening to this podcast, you know, the hundreds of people listening today, maybe the 270, the word, Super Note that these would be the people that you might be the person that will change the world forever, that might emerge this new system and get rid of this one dimensional from us to market, we're gonna go get stuff from market and bring it back to us to building in market because partner ecosystems are more stable systems and more stable systems. They're more evolved systems and the super nodes that were at the conference and are listening here today. It might just be the moment. It might just be the moment that I've been waiting for it. I'm sure it feels sure as heck feels like it. Where we begin building A world where everyone can win together. So thank you very much partner up for listening to my stories of supernode than the presentation I gave. All right, partner up. We'll see you at ecosystem week. And the partner hacker.com. Click through. I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm fired up. What about you? Let's go. I'll see y'all next time. Peace.

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