Ecosystem Creator Lab #2: Look! It’s the Creator Signal!

The creator signal - it’s calling you!

In today's newsletter you'll find:

  • 3 prompts to spur your creativity
  • 3 of the most relevant topics in the ecosystem
  • How to exponentially multiply writing prompts

Writer's block, begone!

“I spoke to X partner/sales/marketing professionals, here’s what I learned…”

“Would you rather hire a CSM or a sales rep for a partner manager role?”

“Here are 3 major things I’m focusing on for Q1…”

Hot topics in partnerships

  • Why content creators are an important 2023 partnerships strategy for consideration.
  • Layoffs are happening - why getting rid of your partner org is a MISTAKE.
  • Outbound, Inbound, Nearbound - which will prevail in 2023?

How to exponentially multiply writing prompts

Hey remember those hooks from last week’s issue? Try using ChatGPT to create a prompt. Here’s how!

Feeling content with our selection? (see what we did there) 😉

Let us know by replying to this email.

-Will Taylor

P.S. Just post! Not everything needs to go viral!

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