PartnerHacker Daily #124: Delighting Customers World Wide

We love getting your emails!

I just read an email from reader Shawn Li responding to PhD #105, our section on super apps.

He mentioned that the super app Grab is delighting their customers by making great products that all work well together.

Grab is killing it because they make their customers lives REALLY easy.

I couldn't help but think about what we're able to fulfill with our partners.

People really want things to be easy for them. But they don't necessarily care how that happens. Whether it's a super app or a network of partners that easily integrate with each other giving the same result.

It doesn't matter if you're in the East or West. The companies that delight their customers win every single time.

That's why we partner. So we can all win together.

Community sponsorships for the win

Salesforce is sponsoring Catalyst this year by offering a few partner pros tickets to the event for free! Not a flood of branding but a way to give back to the community.

Here's what Jill Rowley had to say about this unique way of engaging the community.

Always read the comments!

Giants like Salesforce are tuning up their playbooks with a stronger partner lean. That's a pretty strong signal for SMB's to follow suit.

Salesforce is sponsoring (tickets only) a few lucky partner professionals - Partnership Leaders on LinkedIn | 23 comments
Salesforce is sponsoring (tickets only) a few lucky partner professionals that would like to attend Catalyst! πŸŽ‰ If you’re interested, send an email to... 23 comments on LinkedIn
Check out Partnership Leaders post here.

Meme of the Day

Talk about having your six!

That's the feeling we get when we see a new subscriber πŸ‘†πŸΌ

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