PartnerHacker Daily #15: Infocalypse Now

The golden rule leads to the partner pill

You become partner pilled when you go all the way back to when you were a child. Remember the golden rule? Treat people the way you want to be treated.

While marketing and sales technology has made the profession of sales become unrecognizable over the past two decades, some things never change.

When we put our shoes on as buyers, even us sales leaders, we see what we've been doing isn’t the way we want to be treated.

We go to our communities like Modern Sales Pros or Pavilion. To our trusted peers, our friends, our partners. But we don't buy the way we've been telling our sellers to sell.

Times are changin'. Below, Matt says what many sales leaders I know are feeling.

How to survive the infocalypse

Matt Cameron has a few words to say about declining value of outbound sales and content marketing:

Outbound continues to decline in effectiveness due to automation, volume and defensive tech in inboxes and on phones [What % of calls to you answer from an unknown number]

Content marketing works to drive inbound, but I said 5 years ago, content is the new spam. Marketers, not experts, writing click bait and fluffy articles with no true authority

In a world of info overload (we call it the infocalypse), how do customers find and choose your product?

Hint: take the partner pill!

People have always taken calls from people they know, or by way of referral. Those same people will often not create a contestable process or look at other options if there is enough trust.

So how will business be done in the future? Through trusted communities and referral networks that have not been diluted by inauthentic actors.

Read his post. It's quite good.

Jared had a nice response too.

Stat of the Day

The average American receives between 4,000 and 10,000 brands or ad impressions per day.

Source: Deloitte

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