PartnerHacker Daily #26: The Great Resignation and You

UPCOMING EVENT: Jared will be speaking at the Firneo BD & Partnership Career Summit, a free virtual event, April 6.

Useful metaphors, or corny analogies?

Sometimes, people try to connect totally different things to make a point. (See past PhD issues for examples;-).

Is this just a silly practice? A desperate attempt to have something to say?

To be honest, it doesn't really matter!

What matters when it comes to any info is whether it helps you better achieve your goals, navigate your day, make meaning out of your environment, enroll others in your mission, and add value to yourself and those around you. If it doesn't help, toss it aside. If it does, make use of it, regardless of the source or potential cheesiness!

The more diverse your mental toolkit, the more situations you can conquer.

What attrition reveals about ecosystems

Jessie Shipman from Partner Fluent passed along this McKinsey article about escalating employee attrition.

The article talks about attempts to keep employees by simply upping pay and bennies, and the result:

"Rather than sensing appreciation, employees sense a transaction. This transactional relationship reminds them that their real needs aren’t being met.”
"Yes, they want pay, benefits, and perks, but more than that they want to feel valued by their organizations and managers. They want meaningful—though not necessarily in-person—interactions, not just transactions.”

Maybe it seems unrelated, but Jessie tied the dramatic rise in ecosystem revenue to these same sentiments.

She told PhD,

"People can smell a transaction from a mile away. They don’t want to be a lead. They want to be a human. They want to be genuinely listened to, and they want their interactions to offer them solutions to their problems, because somebody who listened actually has one for them.
Orchestrated ecosystems and platform focused companies are offering a way to do this."

We can get behind that!

Stat of the Day

40% of employees stated they are at least somewhat likely to leave their current job in the next 3-6 months.

-- McKinsey

Have something to say?

We've been getting some great emails from our readers. And we love it! If you have something to share, don't be shy. We may even feature it in a future PhD. (Especially if it's a funny meme or picture;-).

One more thing - a FREE T-SHIRT!

Have you registered for SaaS Connect? April 27-28. San Francisco. We'll be there.

Register with the PartnerHacker link and you'll get $50 off your ticket price.

But wait, there's more!

We're giving away a few brand-spanking-new PartnerHacker T-shirts to the first 5 people to register via the link between now and April 1.

What are you waiting for, claim your destiny (and your T-shirt)!