PartnerHacker Daily #31: Don't Let It Fall!

Tech towers

Jenga, anyone?

Here are the rules:

  • Stack all of the blocks on top of each other
  • Begin by choosing a block and easing it out of its spot in the tower
  • Take turns with your opponent
  • Don't let the blocks topple

Think of a tech stack like a Jenga tower. Which products in the stack would be the easiest to move out? Which products would you dare not touch?

Is your product safeguarded?

When you create a product, your aim should be to make it immovable. A tighter integration means more stickiness, and stickiness is inextricably linked to value.

To create the most value for the users of your product, a digital ecosystem orchestrator recognizes the moving pieces and understands how to increase value across multiple domains, making their products immovable.

Read more in this article on “How the best digital ecosystem orchestrators run their ecosystems.”

Quote of the Day

"A vision without a strategy remains an illusion."

– Lee Bolman

Orchestrators recognize needs

Who needs this PhD, but doesn't know it yet? Send it to them. Orchestration is part recognizing needs, and part proactively providing.